Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tell YOUR Story ~ $5,000 to be Won!

Share Your Story for a Chance to Win!

How has the public library made a difference to you or your family? Everybody has a story: tell us yours!

Telling Our Stories-The magic of Public Libraries is a personal story-writing contest that celebrates the impact of Ontario public libraries on its citizens and their communities.
What types of stories are we looking for? We want stories that tell about how a public library has inspired, informed and transformed you!
Was it something you read, something you saw, something you heard?
Did a librarian help in an extraordinary way?
Did you learn a new skill or how to think differently?
Do you or your family members have a wonderful memory to share?
Over $5000 will be awarded in cash prizes, and the contest runs from October 16-November 30, 2006.
For rules, entry forms, and online submissions, visit the Telling Our Stories website:
Tell YOUR Story!

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